Massage Therapy

How Massage Therapy Enhances Your Chiropractic Experience

Dr. Jensen often recommends therapeutic massage in conjunction with chiropractic manipulation to enhance the overall treatment experience. After receiving a chiropractic adjustment, a relaxing massage can significantly aid in the healing process. The gentle manipulation of muscles and tissues helps to alleviate tension, which not only promotes relaxation but also encourages a smoother recovery. Many patients report a noticeable reduction in pain and discomfort following a massage, making it a valuable addition to their chiropractic care plan. 

Dr. Jensen believes in the power of combining chiropractic adjustments with massage therapy for a well-rounded approach to wellness. While chiropractic care is all about getting your spine aligned and joints moving smoothly, massage therapy works on those tight muscles and soft tissues, helping you feel more relaxed and flexible. By addressing both structural and muscular aspects of your body, this combo can lead to better results. Plus, massage therapy boosts blood circulation, which means more nutrients are delivered to the areas that need healing the most. It’s a great way to support your recovery and overall well-being.

Moreover, incorporating massage therapy into a chiropractic regimen can foster greater overall well-being. Regular massage sessions can help reduce stress and anxiety, promote better sleep, and improve mood—all of which are crucial for optimal recovery. As stress levels decrease, the body becomes more receptive to adjustments and healing, leading to a more balanced and pain-free state. By embracing both chiropractic care and massage therapy, patients can achieve a comprehensive healing experience that supports their long-term health and enhances their quality of life.

The length of a massage will vary based on the type of massage and the patient’s needs. It will also depend on the therapist you choose. Please feel free to reach out to our massage therapists individually.

Massage treatments currently available include:

  • Deep tissue massage
  • Swedish massage
  • Hot stone massage
  • Therapeutic massage

Through Better Life Chiropractic Care our patients have three licensed massage therapists to choose from.




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